Liste nominative du Personnel Européen de la police et de la sûreté ayant participé à l'activité de la défense passive lors du bombardement de P.Penh du 7-2-45
This record is part of a group of data resources tracing European persons who were resident or serving in East Asia during the early 20th century and who were displaced as a result of national border changes and conflicts. It is one component of Divisive Power of Citizenship—a project of the Institute for European Global Studies, Basel.
The attached records contain the names of the 80 European police personnel who participated in passive defense during the bombardment of Phnom Penh on February 7, 1945. These individuals were recommended for distinguished service. The original documents, now in the Archives Nationales d'Outre Mer - Mairie d'Aix-en-Provence, were compiled in April 1950.
Where annotations can be generated from transcriptions they are provided as Web Annotation Data Model (WADM) annotation collections serialized as JSON, which are linked to source documents via PIDs. The annotation data can be used independently with the IIIF service provided here, to connect person instances interactively to their occurrence in the source documents. Provided principally for analysis preservation and verification purposes, the transcription data is less suitable for automated searching than the historic person instance JSON (above).
These datasets are also deposited in the Zenodo global catch-all repository as record DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7065041.
A project website at offers case studies well as search facilities which have access to all of the DPCL datasets, and additionally to other Divisive Power of Citizenship datasets.
This work is funded by Swiss National Science Foundation grant 100011_184860/1 "Divisive Power of Citizenship"
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